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Endura CoolStain

Endura CoolStain

Infrared reflective stain completely covers concrete discolorations leaving natural looking finish. Reduces treated concrete surface temperature by up to 10°C

Helps keep your concrete pool deck cooler! BEFORE CoolStain PRO AFTER CoolStain PRO

Reduce Concrete Temperature by up to 10° C

Endura Cool Stain Concrete ColourA premium quality SINGLE COMPONENT water-based, polymer-modified concrete color stain used to reduce the surface temperature of existing concrete. The patent-pending formula uses revolutionary infrared reflective technology to increase the solar reflectivity of concrete surfaces exposed to sunlight, reducing the surface temperature by up to 10° C!
Endura CoolStain provides a completely opaque, breathable and natural-looking finish. Perfect for use on concrete pool decks and municipal projects.


Small 4 ounce size covers approximately 1 m²
Medium 32 ounce covers approximately 6 to 12 m²
Large one US gallon covers approximately 23 to 46 m²